
Sunday 3 July 2011


Antelope is a mammal species. Though they resemble cow dog and sheep, they belong to  the even-toed species of ruminant mammals, which are herbivores. A long the African savannah and the American plains they are  plenty of antelopes   which make up  from  over 90 species.  Which vary in appereance from each other . habitat strategy and range. A group of Antelopes can be referred to as a 'herd'.
Facts About Antelope
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Artiodactyla
Family: Bovidae
Genus: About 30 genera
Species: About 90
Weight: 589kg
Length: 150 cm
Top Speed: 43mph
Age: 12 years
Diet: Herbivorous
Habitat: Woodlands, forests, savannahs, grassland plains, and marshes.
Number of Offspring: 1


Eland is a large African antelope in the African content the species weighs an average of 600kg  and with an height of 1.8 meters its habitat is in the central, east and southern parts of Africa, coastal plains, mountain areas and  semi deserts regions, it is also endangered species  of antelope because they are mostly hunted.

Kudus is a sub-species of African antelopes consists of two subspecies. We have different types of kudus the smaller ones and the bigger ones with their magnificent color, The kudus are found in East Africa, Kenya, Uganda, Burundi and Tanzania and their average weight is of 52kg to 60kg. The male African kudus are larger than the females African kudus. The bigger kudus are characterized by their massively prominent long horns which are borne by the males.  Kudus  are the largest  of all species of antelope which  can grow  to  around  2m in length.

Impala- ( Aepyceros melampus) 
impala is a species of antelope family very beautiful magnificent, elegant , vulnerable  and harmless when you  stair at them. It is mainly characterized by its amazing leaping abilities. A male impala averagely weighs 45 - 76 kg, while a female, 30 - 50 kg. The impala creatures can be commonly found in places ranging from southern Africa especially in Kurgan Park in south Africa  to the northern limits of East Africa in Masai mara park, Amboseli park and many other parks in East Africa.

 Gerenuk.  have a long neck, they don’t need water for survival as the plants they eat contain water which keeps them  going and this amazing antelopes are found in eastern region of Africa especially in arid and semi arid areas.

Nyala(Tragelaphus angasii)
Nyala are another subspecies of antelopes the  colour resemblence is different from each other The male antelope is dark brown with vertical white stripes running on its masculine  body, while the female is of the color of  red rustish, marked with clear striping their so shyness makes them to  hide in water holes places   

The Oryx (Oryx gazelle) is one of the large species of African antelopes and most dangerous  due to its sharp lethal horns  which  kills their prey  by protecting themselves or their young ones , they are mainly known for killing lions ,their habitat is in the desert areas  where  they survive without water for a long time  they are  also known as the sabre antelope.

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