
Thursday 21 July 2011

African Jungle amazing facts

The African Flora and Fauna
Everyone knows very well the story of the Famous David and Goliath, the African savannah has seen an amazing wonder both flora and fauna and mostly the big five and the large catsnot forgetting the majestic tyrant African crocodiles. With the natural volcanic mountains along the two rift valleys  from the meditaranean to the cape of good hope along the cruger national plains. Animals large and small, wide and narrow all roam freely in the African national parks, forest and national protected  reserves and when the onset of the long rains in Africa commence, a lash of green pastures come forth to feed the along waiting African beautiful wild animals.

The migration of  the wildebeest is always the most spectacular natural event which brings animals of the  northern Tanzania along the Serengeti  to southern tips of Kenya along the Mount Kilimanjaro and the Masai Mara National Park. Wild animals specially the predator and the pray find it hard to make good decisions. Animals big and small fetch and quench their thirst in the same watering hole, the nearby river and predators young and small feast on one another. The African majestic elephant is well respected among all the animal kingdom for their brains and their cleverness. If the elephant train is not nearby, the mother elephant always takes care of it s young to take a shower in the muddy water, throw some dirt and even for a quick swim. Since elephants have a very good sense of smell, they are known to smell the rain and water from a very long distance.

Crocodiles on the other hand perch themselves in the mud awaiting for their next meal which could come from all sizes and shapes. Sometimes they make a good decision and take pray their own size which could range from small birds, crossing migration wildebeest, zebras, monkeys and even hippopotamus and other big animals such as the water buffalo.  The lion would pray deep in the night in the absence of the moon cover while during the day it would stalk its prey under the cover of the brittle long savanna grass. Though the elephant is known as the king of he jungle  its not a match to the massive wall of the African elephant. Even a heard of hundred wild buffalo will billow away when the elephants sets foot in the vicinity.

As far as the jungle is concerned, elephants and crocodiles seldom meet but when the two meet its just like David and Goliath. Elephants are known to trampled on they victims with their heavy feet, poke their pray with their precious tusks and while their trunk is redeemed redundant, the majestic elephant opts to take the fight on the land where his wits makes him the better one from the animal kingdom. Its always the elephant which roams the greatest in the African jungles and gets the respects it deserves.

Monday 4 July 2011


A brown bear  is not  the largest animals in the bear family comapered to polar bears .Female brown bears   take care of their young cubs until  they reach a stage where they can take care of themselves while the male brown bear escape in parenting leaving the female bear to do everything.brown bears attacks human beings  when threatened or provoked  especially when with the cubs.

 Brown bears cause fatal and severe injuries compared to  black bears .salmon is the special diet for  the brown bears  which the bears hunt each and everyday in the rivers and seas. The brown bear is known for its unique intelligence in trapping its prey .

Facts about brown bears
Average weight of  adult brown bears  is 300 to 800 kg male brown bears are heavier compared to female  bears as you can see we have the grizzly brown bears which have hump on their back that can be used to differentiate   with other brown bears  average weigh of a grizzily brown bear is 159kg.

brown bears have a long sharp curved claws which they mostly use to mark on trees telling other animals l dominate this area so don’t dare come to my palace  in addition brown bears have long thick fur with long maine at the neck.
Brown bear mating season  is on may to July 

News on animals attack 2011

 Mon May 16, 2011 8:34pm. EDT According to anchorage Alaska of Reuters news on it was said that a grizzly bear over the weekend  attacked   a bear  hunter by the name Wes Perkins  at 54years  who was  severely  mauled  and is in critical condition   at a medical center in settle   Authorities  said this incidence was the first to happen in 2011, official department of fish and  game said that Perkins was riding in front of his colleague  when the bear  attacked him the bear was killed and  emergency helicopter came to take Mr Perkins to hospital (Reporting was done by Yereth Rosen, Editing by Dan Whitcomb and Greg McCune.

Briton Loses Legs in Cape Town Shark Attack-5:38pm UK, Wednesday September 28, 2011
A British man has lost his legs in a shark attack after he ignored a warning not to go swimming at a South African beach. The 42-year-old, who has not yet been named, ignored signs at the beach in Cape Town warning against entering the water. Authorities said he was attacked by a great white shark at Fish Hoek Beach. The attack came an hour-and-a-half after shark spotters had seen the animal and raised a warning flag. A siren was also sounded as the beach was closed, officials said in a statement.
The man went swimming anyway and the great white struck before onlookers could pull him out. His right leg was completely bitten off and his left leg severed below the knee, according to the National Sea Rescue Institute. The shark responsible for the attack was caught on camera by onlookers. Although the victim has not been named, the institute said he was believed to be a British national who lives in South Africa. Video footage of the beach after the attack shows a shark in the water off the shore as a helicopter flies the man to hospital.
A statement from the authorities said: "When the victim entered the water, the beach was still closed and the shark flag indicating the presence of a white shark was flying."Three nearby beaches were also closed following the attack because the shark could still be seen in the area. Cape Town operates a shark-spotter programme on its beaches to warn people when to leave the water.
At least three sharks had been spotted off the beach on the morning of the attack alone.

Sunday 3 July 2011


A wombat is mostly found in Australia and nearby islands, it is marsupial and  when its kids are born they crawl  into the mothers pouche  for protection  and live there for a period of  about five months before they grow up and start living on their own. Wombats are mostly found in burrows where they dig using their sharp claws. The marsupials are herbivorous in nature and feed on grass, shoots, roots, and bark of trees. Being nocturnal wombats usually come out of their hideaways at night to feed when it is safe. Wombats are very destructive to farmers and ranchers as they destroy their crops and fields. On the other hand farmers and ranchers often hunt and killed as they are considered to be pests. In addition, they are also hunted by poachers for their fur. Extensive wombat killing has made certain species (northern hairy nosed wombats) endangered and increasing ranch lands have replaced the wombats natural breeding and feeding grounds. Wombats can be found in different colours and also they can attack human beings till you bleed to deathand mostly they are tamed to captivity especially in zoos.

Facts About Wombats

Type: Mammal
Location: Australia
Diet: Herbivore
Size: 72 to 118 cm
Weight: 14 to 35 Kg
Lifespan: around 25 years
Gestation Period: 20 days
Number Of Offspring: 1 offspring


Antelope is a mammal species. Though they resemble cow dog and sheep, they belong to  the even-toed species of ruminant mammals, which are herbivores. A long the African savannah and the American plains they are  plenty of antelopes   which make up  from  over 90 species.  Which vary in appereance from each other . habitat strategy and range. A group of Antelopes can be referred to as a 'herd'.
Facts About Antelope
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Artiodactyla
Family: Bovidae
Genus: About 30 genera
Species: About 90
Weight: 589kg
Length: 150 cm
Top Speed: 43mph
Age: 12 years
Diet: Herbivorous
Habitat: Woodlands, forests, savannahs, grassland plains, and marshes.
Number of Offspring: 1


Eland is a large African antelope in the African content the species weighs an average of 600kg  and with an height of 1.8 meters its habitat is in the central, east and southern parts of Africa, coastal plains, mountain areas and  semi deserts regions, it is also endangered species  of antelope because they are mostly hunted.

Kudus is a sub-species of African antelopes consists of two subspecies. We have different types of kudus the smaller ones and the bigger ones with their magnificent color, The kudus are found in East Africa, Kenya, Uganda, Burundi and Tanzania and their average weight is of 52kg to 60kg. The male African kudus are larger than the females African kudus. The bigger kudus are characterized by their massively prominent long horns which are borne by the males.  Kudus  are the largest  of all species of antelope which  can grow  to  around  2m in length.

Impala- ( Aepyceros melampus) 
impala is a species of antelope family very beautiful magnificent, elegant , vulnerable  and harmless when you  stair at them. It is mainly characterized by its amazing leaping abilities. A male impala averagely weighs 45 - 76 kg, while a female, 30 - 50 kg. The impala creatures can be commonly found in places ranging from southern Africa especially in Kurgan Park in south Africa  to the northern limits of East Africa in Masai mara park, Amboseli park and many other parks in East Africa.

 Gerenuk.  have a long neck, they don’t need water for survival as the plants they eat contain water which keeps them  going and this amazing antelopes are found in eastern region of Africa especially in arid and semi arid areas.

Nyala(Tragelaphus angasii)
Nyala are another subspecies of antelopes the  colour resemblence is different from each other The male antelope is dark brown with vertical white stripes running on its masculine  body, while the female is of the color of  red rustish, marked with clear striping their so shyness makes them to  hide in water holes places   

The Oryx (Oryx gazelle) is one of the large species of African antelopes and most dangerous  due to its sharp lethal horns  which  kills their prey  by protecting themselves or their young ones , they are mainly known for killing lions ,their habitat is in the desert areas  where  they survive without water for a long time  they are  also known as the sabre antelope.


Wild animals have different characteristics; there is a very big difference between a buffalo and a bison. In USA, Buffalo are known us bisons while in Africa they are known us buffalo.

An average weigh of a grown up buffalo is around 2000pounds while the buffalo calf weighs 50 pounds

Buffalo are six feet tall, the buffalo normally eats grass they are especially found in the African savannah. For protection and defence mechanism both male and female buffalo have horns which are used to fend off predators

The Buffalo calf are mainly born in may at the onset of the rainy season which coincides with the African wild beast migration.

Friday 1 July 2011

Bengal Tigers

Bengal Tigers
Bengal Tigers form the largest subspecies of tigers in the world. Most commonly found in India and Bangladesh, they are the ‘national animal’ of both these countries. Living in grasslands and in rainforests, they can weight up to 220kg. The Bengal Tiger population is very fragile today: they have nearly been driven to extinction and numerous projects are now in place to preserve the population.
The diet of Bengal Tigers consists mainly of medium to large-sized animals. Able to consume around 30kg in one sitting, their favorite preys include wild boars, buffalos, deer and wild pigs. They usually hunt at night, where a tiger can blend in effectively with the surroundings before surprising their victims. They can also hunt during the day if necessary, and the striped pattern on the tiger’s fur helps it to camouflage. Although they do not typically hunt humans, they may do so in cases of extreme hunger.

Today, the populations of Bengal Tigers stand at around 4,500. In the 1970s, the numbers were much smaller, but projects have helped the population to re-grow. Today, deforestation and urbanization have a major impact on the Bengal Tiger population. Tigers are forced to move out from their natural habitats and as a result can no longer easily find their daily food.

Bengal Tigers are sometimes hunted for their fur or their body parts, which can be used in traditional Chinese medicine. Although there are strict rules against hunting tigers, many animal preservation agencies say that tigers are still being hunted throughout India and Bangladesh, even inside national parks themselves.
Several projects have been set-up by government agencies to help conserve the Bengal Tiger population, the largest one being ‘Project Tiger’. While they no doubt have played a major part in the fairly successful conservation project, they are also subject to criticism by several activists, who claim that the projects have not been efficiently organized and that tiger numbers may have been inflated by the agencies in order to protect jobs. One particularly controversial incident was the complete loss of the Bengal Tiger population in the ‘Sariska Tiger Reserve’ as a result of hunting.

The Bengal Tigers play a major role in the heritage of India and Bangladesh. Sadly, these beautiful animals have been driven to near extinction as a consequence of urbanization and hunting. It is important that the public is made aware of the efforts that are taking place in order to save these amazing and important animals. It is only then that they have a chance to survive

The South China Tiger

South China Tiger
South China tigers are a subspecies of tigers that can be found mainly in a very narrow area of south / south east China, mainly in forests.
South China tigers are not only one of the very endangered tiger species, but it is also considered to be THE one that is most likely to be extinct within a very short period if no real breeding and preservation efforts take place.

Experts estimate that the south China tiger population does not exceed two to three dozens only! This has earned it a ranking between the world’s top 10 animals that are on the verge of extinction pretty sad.
What has mainly contributed to the reduction of the South Chinese tiger population is the amount of illegal hunting that was taking place in these southern forests, in addition to the reduction in the number of preys it can hunt (again, mostly due to humans).
These very tigers are now taking refuge in mountains within the area rather than open forests.

We have to also keep in mind that starting the 1960s, tigers were proclaimed a danger to humans in China, and as such hunting them down was taking place. This decision was reversed too late, almost two decades later. The South China tiger population had by then been reduced by more than 95%.

South China tigers (sometimes referred to as south Chinese tigers) are small in size, with the male ranging between 220 to 260 cm in length and around 140-170 kilograms in weight. Females are smaller in size (this is normal when it comes to tigers and similar mammals) with a length varying usually between 200 to 250 cm and a weight of around 120 kilograms. Their fur differs a bit from that of other subspecies, given that the stripes are somewhat thinner and more spaced along the body.

South China tigers are known for their patience and love for hunting. They would not get tired of spending several hours a day looking after preys. They also don’t mind attacking animals that are of equivalent weight if not more. But when it comes to hunger, they would settle down for anything, even small animals and insects.

If their prey is big, they try to suffocate it once they catch it, else they would simply attack lethally with their long teeth. They have no problem in attacking humans, and they have done many times in the past. So caution is required if one got to (ever) meet one in the wild.

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