
Thursday 26 May 2011


Penguins are aquatic, flightless birds number of penguin species   is around  20, has been a subject of debate of late, with some concerns being raised of including the White-flipper-ed penguin, Royal penguin and the Rockhopper penguin as separate species in the list. The extant species of penguins are categorized into six sub-families Great penguins (Aptenodytes), Brush-tailed penguins (Pygoscelis), Little penguins (Eudyptula), Banded penguins (Spheniscus), (Megadyptes) and Crested penguins (Eudyptes). The largest sub-family is that of the Crested penguins which consists of nine sub-species. On the other hand, Great penguins, Little penguins and the Megadyptes sub-family consist of two sub-species each.Penguins are birds.
The name is derived from Welsh terms ‘pen’, meaning head and ‘gwyn’, meaning white.
Penguin is an unofficial symbol of the United States Libertarian Party.
They mate for life.
Linux mascot tux is also a penguin.
They are ancient species that appeared 40 million years ago in the Eocene.
Penguins don't fly, they swim.
Penguins lay eggs.
Penguin chicks have fluffy feathers.
A group of penguins is called colonies or rookery.
They usually move in huge groups.
Penguins use their wings for swimming.
Penguins live in the Southern Hemisphere.
Some penguins live in Antarctica, Coast of South America, South Africa, Galapagos, Southern Australia and New Zealand.
Penguins hunt for fish, squid or shrimp like krill in the oceans to fill their stomach.
Most penguins can swim about 15 miles per hour.
Penguins have insulating layers of air, skin, and blubber.
Penguins have tightly packed feathers that help them to keep warm.
Penguins open their feather to feel the cold.
There are at least 18 different species of penguins.
There may be as many as 100 million penguins in the world.
Penguins can be endangered by oil spills, water pollution, and the over harvesting

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