

Animal Care
Animal Care Program – This includes serving regular meals of species-appropriate food, cleaning the animals’ enclosures on a regular basis, and providing health care and enrichment or play activities. More than 8,500 pounds of raw meat are needed to feed our Great Cats and Wolves... and another 9,000 pounds of Fruits, Vegetables, Fish and other kinds of food are needed to feed our Bears each week! All of this food, as well as the related transportation costs, cold storage, and massive delivery systems in place cost the Sanctuary over a half-million dollars a year.

Wild Animal Care Program
It is the Sanctuary’s goal to get all the animals into a large acreage habitat with others of their own kind, so that they can experience life with plenty of space, diets of exceptional quality, expert veterinary care, and freedom from performing, traveling, or otherwise doing things Nature did not intend for them.
Once the rescued animals arrive at The Wild Animal Sanctuary, they are given time in seclusion to get adjusted to their new home. Depending on the level – and type – of abuse, the animals are rehabilitated with loving care, so that they learn they can trust humans again.

Animals live in a variety of places on the Sanctuary grounds, based on their species and their relative newness to the Sanctuary. Those living in the main compound have inside/outside enclosures, along with heated areas for winter. They also have a wide variety of play structures, including pools for the tigers. The main animal house has gates that allow the cats to take turns in the tiger pool area, which features a waterfall and large zoo balls for play. Outside enclosures are spread with wood chips, which are cleaned and changed on a regular basis. (to top)

Habitats – TWAS has 25 habitats, ranging in size from 5 to 25 acres. These natural habitats are on rolling prairie grasslands, complete swimming ponds, trees and seasonal lakes. The all have underground dens (that stay about 60 degrees year round), shade shelters and play structures, and all kinds of toys and enrichment. (to top)

Diet – The animals are fed on a random schedule, like they would eat in the wild. This feeding process helps address their natural biological needs perfectly. The Sanctuary feeds 8,000 lbs. of top quality USDA-inspected meats (beef, poultry, mutton, pork, etc...), blended with vitamins and other nutrients, to its great cats and wolves (about 2/3 of our animal population) each week. The cost of this meat diet is around $450,000.00 annually. (to top)

We feed another 8,500 lbs. of everything to our bears each week. While most of the bear food (fruit, veggies, eggs, fish, etc...) is donated, it costs the Sanctuary another $100,000.00 a year in transportation and cold storage costs (fleet of vehicles, gas, maintenance and insurance, cold and freezer storage units). As you can imagine, costs of food, transportation and storage make up the “lion’s share” of the Sanctuary’s budget! (to top)

Veterinary Care – We provide exceptional veterinary care for the animals. Upon arrival, the animals are checked and vaccinated if necessary. Since there is no breeding, male animals not already neutered must have that procedure when they arrive. (All except for the African lions, who would lose their manes, so female African lions receive implants to depress their cycles.). (to top)

TWAS Veterinary Hospital - The Sanctuary has its own Veterinary Hospital that was buit with all the necessary specialized equipment to comfortably accommodate animals up to the size of our largest animals - the 1,500 lb. grizzly bears. The onsite Veterinary Hospital can handle the vast majority of medical issues the animals face, and utilizes a network of dedicated Veterinarians to cover the spectrum of animal medical issues. Another goal of the Hospital is to provide educational opportunities for veterinarians and students who want to specialize in large carnivore care. For serious medical issues requiring major diagnostic equipment such as MRI machines, the animals must be sedated and taken to Colorado State University’s Veterinary Teaching Hospital, where expert teams and state-of-the-art equipment can be utilized.
Pet care

Preventive Pet Healthcare
Resources for pet owners and veterinarians on preventive healthcare.

Pet food safety recalls and alerts
The information contained in this section involves recalls and alerts issued regarding pet and animal feeds, including dog and cat foods and treats as well as feeds for livestock, poultry and other species.

First aid tips for pet owners
First aid is not a substitute for veterinary care, but it may save your pet's life until you can get veterinary treatment. Learn how to prepare for pet medical emergencies, stock a first aid kit for your pets, and administer basic first aid to dogs, cats and other animals.

What to expect after your pet's vaccination
A one-page summary for pet owners of the potential side effects associated with vaccination of pets.
These companion pages to our veterinary search engine provide pet owners with information about choosing the right veterinarian, general pet care, and emergency and first aid resources.

Hot cars and loose pets
As the summer approaches, pet owners should know that warm weather and lack of proper restraint pose serious risks for pets in vehicles.

Advice on the safe use of flea and tick products in pets
An FDA advisory on safe use of flea and tick products notes that EPA officials advise talking to a veterinarian about these products.

Healthy cats
We've got resources for cat owners and veterinarians alike about the general health, wellness and welfare of our feline companions.

Healthy dogs
We've got resources for dog owners and veterinarians alike about the general health, wellness and welfare of our canine companions.

Dogs' social lives and disease risks
Whether it's the dog park, doggie day care, boarding, competitions or training classes, mingling dogs with varied or unknown health histories can present health problems for dogs as well as their owners.

AAFP and AAHA Release Feline Life Stage Guidelines
The American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) and the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) are pleased to announce the release of the AAFP/AAHA Feline Life Stage Guidelines. Published in the January, 2010 issue of the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery and the Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association, the guidelines provide important information promoting appropriate wellness care for cats.

Paws for Pets
Paws For Pets by Dr. Gail C. Golab offers valuable information for the new pet owner, including seasonal pet health tips to help keep your pet healthy all year long.

provide 'barefoot' veterinary service to rural villages in and around Auroville
vaccinate animals
look into limited feed of animals
take care of wild life in Auroville
protect endangered species i.e. animals, birds and plants
promote awareness through education
promote, aid and strengthen activities to create increased awareness of the economic contribution made by animals, birds and plants, and of their role in keeping the atmosphere pollution free.